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Jan. 16 2019

“We’re doing well, River just turned 5 and is a delight.

A biopsy late 2017 found that the tumour had returned. The scans had been indicating this for 6 months but prof Miyazaki (cyberknife surgeon) categorically stated it was only scar tissue and advised against the biopsy. By the time I had the biopsy and scan December 2017 it was tracking towards the brain stem and last January I was booked in for surgery with Ben Panizza in Brisbane to remove eye, exenterate the orbit followed by a hole in the back of my skull for further surgery followed by radiation.

However, the final MRI before the op showed that the cancer was too far advanced and he called it off and this was precisely what made me eligible to participate in the trial of a new immune-therapy. This stopped the tumour advancing and then, after 8 months of fortnightly treatments at RNSH, my October MRI showed the volume of the tumour had precipitously dropped to 30% and last month it was down to 15% of its former glory.

So … Dr. Miyazaki saved my eye twice - 4 years ago with his cyberknife and again in 2017 with his mistaken diagnosis! “ 

Jan 15 2019

Johns Son River and Grand daughter Jala

Aug 5 2018

This could be the game-changer we’ve been waiting for. A court in the Azuay Province of Ecuador has rejected the Government’s appeal and the Chinese-owned Rio Blanco gold mine has been stopped! See the excellent article about this issue  written last week before this historic decision.

Aug 3 2018

Megan  left for  a workshop yesterday leaving River (RIVER GALAXY) for a week for the first time. Next Wednesday  he and I will fly to Cairns. Friday we’ll  pick Megan  up at Cairns airport and drive to my first gig with the families at Kowrowa, a small indigenous -community out of Kuranda, (out of Monamona Mission in the 60's). Next morning we head to the Coalessence  Festival,  Mission Beach for a deep ecology workshop and to meet Bodhi and family (IMAGES 6008, 6012, 6014, 6016) there for the weekend before we repair to a week together at Cape Trib then deep ecology gigs in Kuranda and Cairns and home again jiggety jig.

Aug 1 2018

Melbourne RAG's superb research into the Aussie miners who hold the lions share of the contested concessions threatening to lay Ecuador's rainforest biodiversity to waste

July 16 2018

Important article on the economic damage caused by the mining industry, written by Alberto Acosta Ecuadorian economist  former Minister of Energy and Mines. Former president of the Constituent Assembly. Former candidate for the Presidency of the Republic of Ecuador. ENGLISH.....  ESPAÑOL.

 July 15 2018

Thanks to Davide Nicastro, the Hope St Warehouse residents and all the musicians for last night’s  rave party which raised $11,000 for Los Cedros legal defense

 July 11 2018

About 40 activists from Students of Sustainability, Friends of the Earth  and the Melbourne Rainforest Action Group   descended up BHP's headquarters in downtown Melbourne  today, locking down the lifts and blockading the main entrance for an hour until police intervened. We held  Ecuador-related campaign signs and handed  out leaflets.  Several TV news networks came to cover the action, with the ABC  (the national broadcaster) covering all the various student actions targeting various government agencies

 July 8 2018

Great deep ecology workshop, 40 participants, first time I’ve had to turn people away from a full workshop in 20 years, booking 2 more in Nov-Dec, $1900 raised for Los Cedros. Thanks so much Mycelium Studios for donating this incredible space. Melbourne rocks! Afterwards, one of the Mycelium gang, Ivanna,  took some great portraits of me

 July 7 2018

Brendan Condon from The Cape Ecovillage near Melbourne recently gave a talk at our Narara Ecovillage where he described the totally passive (open source) designs that they have created and started building down there which now achieve  over 9  NatHERs stars and require minimal  cooling OR heating. Today Brendan showed a couple of us around his project and we went to visit some of the houses they have built . We were stunned  by the comfort on a wild weather day in July and particularly by the economics – they can now build one of these houses with zero energy bills at a tiny 3% premium over the cost of a well-build conventional house costing $3000 to $3,500/year in energy bills (ie  3 year pay-back period and then no energy bills for the life of the building). This is the future.

 July 1 2018

Students of Sustainability are a totally kick-ass group of  uni students from around the country that get together at a different campus each winter, this year in Melbourne. They organise direct actions following each of their conferences and I was able to negotiate for this years actions to include one at BHP’s HQ in Collins St – they want to attack BHP around Aussie uranium mines among other things and happy to include Ecuador in the mix. I’ve gone to 6 or 8 of their gatherings during the last 20 years and will once again give a deep ecology workshop at this one next week.

Sept 24 2017

Los Cedros Summary Update Click Here

Sept 3 2017

A weekend  of  deep ecology events in Bathurst NSW to  benefit Los Cedros. Friday night  a talk on deep ecology for “Green Drinks” organised by the Sisters of Mercy “Rahamim Ecology Centre”. They posted a video of my talk onto youtube as well as a 5-minute clip and the two Drew Dellinger raps I opened and closed with: The Universe Jam and Word to the Mother. Then a gorgeous weekend of experiential deep ecology. The best part is that, in spite of being the facilitator,  I’m able to fully  participate as well and, just as for the other participants, I get to soak in the healing and empowerment returning so refreshed to my family and work.

May 10 2017

My old friend, the permaculture legend Jeff Lawton, posted my Los Cedros rave to his news site  and also filmed a passionate 7-minute video which went out to some 60,000 subscribers to his “Friday Five”

April 2017

Los Cedros, the  Biological Reserve in NW Ecuador which we launched back in the late ‘80’s with the help of a grant from the Australian Government’s development assistance bureau is facing its most serious threat – The Ecuadorean government has secretly signed a mining agreement covering Los Cedros and other “protected” areas with the Canadian company “Cornerstone Capital Resources inc”. Many of the international scientists who have worked at Los Cedros have signed a letter attesting to the irreplaceable scientific value of this, the best -forested watershed in Western Ecuador. You can support this fight by signing the petitition here:

Sept 16 2014 My son River (9 months) and granddaughter Jala (4 months)
July 12 2014 “Megan River and I have joined the Narara Ecovillage. Click here for YouTube Video
June 7 2014 One month old today, my granddaughter Jala Star Seed, welcome, blessings of the Universe pour upon you endless from the eternal fountain”  Here’s her 6-month old uncle, my son River with his mama and nagymama
May 17 2014 Me and River at his first blockade the day before the NSW Government caved in in the face of people power and suspended Metgasco's licence to frack and their share price plumetted to 5c.
May 7 2014 Hallelujah! My grand-daughter was born this morning.  
April 24 2014 A glorious Easter in the rainforest and some memories sparked by the death of Neville Wran.. con't >
Apr  9  2014 Photos of our son River 6 weeks to 4 months Note* When the page opens-Doubleclick top left photo, click on   "slideshow" top middle, move cursor to bottom of screen and hit play
Feb 11 2014 River is 2 months old today, endless delight, plenty to keep us both busy. Booked my first gig since his birth - offering some deep ecology at the Regrowth Festival March 1-2  - hope they dont schedule me while Bodhi Seed is playing - Saturday 11.30am DJ SeeD, 1.30pm with Lub Dub and midnight with Syren link
Feb  3  2014 “The naming of our son “River"
Dec 23 2013 Wedding lunch Megan and John
Dec 11 2013 11/12/13 The birth of our son. Hallelujah!
Nov 26 2013 Organised a great evening with world-leading Amazon rainforest conservationist - Atossa Soltani at the University of Technology and launched Amazon Watch Allies Australia
Nov 23 2013 Beautiful 8-minute piece on ABC's 7.30 Report  last night about the launch of the events celebrating the 60th anniversary of my 93 year old mother, Judy Cassab's  first painting exhibition.Nov 14 2013 organised fund raising for sustainable agriculture in Zimbabwe and screening  "The Chikukwa Project" film premiere in Sydney July 8 2013 With Dana Lyons and NEO, the great band that he somehow persuaded to come down from Darwin, at our benefit for food security in Zimbabwe at Chapel by the Sea, Bondi Beach link photo dana
Nov 23 2013 Beautiful 8-minute piece on ABC's 7.30 Report last night about the launch of the events celebrating the 60th anniversary of my 93 year old mother, Judy Cassab's first painting exhibition.
July 8 2013 With Dana Lyons and NEO, the great band that he somehow persuaded to come down from Darwin, at our benefit for food security in Zimbabwe at Chapel by the Sea
May 31 2013 Book Launch - Stories of the Great Turning What a great night, 120 people celebrating The Great Turning, Sydney Rocks!
Nov 22 2012 Raised over $6000 (see Oct 24  post) . Crowdfunding rocks! Thanks Do Gooder.
Oct 24 2012  Please help us to stop invaders 
from destroying the Los Cedros Biological Reserve in the Amazon headwaters of Ecuador
Sept 12 2012  Some reminiscences upon AID/WATCH’s 20th birthday  |1980 documentary first eco-blockade in the world  
Aug 25 2012  John Seed and Megan Wallace marry.
July 16 2012  Do you think that humanity can find a way past the current global environmental and social crises?
June 28 2012  CLIMATE CHANGE, DESPAIR & EMPOWERMENT, JOHN SEED & RUTH ROSENHEK Social Alternatives Vol. 31 No.1, 2012
June 8 2012  After our great experiential deep ecology workshop at Mooncourt, Glenys and Taffy recorded “Child of the Universe” which I had sung to accompany the Cosmic Walk .
June 4  2012  completed due diligence and funded tree planting in Kenya
April 2012 engaging with food security in Zimbabwe
Feb 6 2012  keynote address to APNEC: “Deep Ecology & The Conservation of Nature” now posted to youtube.
Nov 22 2011  Council of All Beings to-day, my last event in Taiwan.. Yesterday keynote address to APNEC: “Deep Ecology & The Conservation of Nature”. Earlier, an Ecopsychology and Eco-Spirituality panel and before that Ecophilosophy and Council of All Beings at Providence University. Also delivered some money I raised for the aboriginal communities I met last time I was here, to stop the dams that threaten their lands and way of life.
Oct 30 2011 uploaded a bunch of my music
July 2 2011 UWS publishes SOCIAL ECOLOGY including my chapter The Religion of Economics
May 8 2011   Deep Ecology Mandarin website
April 17 2011  Ecology or Extinction? Raise your voice! Nothing short of a revolution in consciousness can now prevent the demise of the Cenozoic Era and all of complex life. Is it really that bad? Find out. Check out Chris Hedges, “This Time We’re Taking the Whole Planet With Us” Derrick Jensen, “Beyond Hope” Clive Hamilton, “Requiem for a Species” John Greer “The Long Descent” and Reg Morrison “Plague Species“. What to do? I reckon  its time to get annoyed, I’m organising a series of “Climate Change, Despair and Empowerment” workshops around Australia and see who else is feeling annoyed. And you?
March 31 2011  2011 Deep Ecology tour of Taiwan, photo essay
March 21 2011 Sydney action against the Borneo timber Mafia photos
Feb 28 2011 Writing an  article about my great few days with kick-ass activists  at the Southern Forests Convergence in Tassie.
Jan 25 2011   Played music with my son Bodhi at the most excellent Rainbow Serpent festival. Also gave some deep ecology talks and workshops and sang the World Bank song. Loaded some of my music to Reverbnation. A friend made a slideshow to ”Word to the Mother”. Getting ready for gigs in Tasmania next month and Taiwan in April.
Aug  2010  

Great news: following the 3000 emails which you sent to environment minister Jairam Ramesh, news is in to-day that Vedanta’s controversial bauxite mine on Dongria Kondh tribal land at Niyamgiri in India has been stopped. You can see the story in The Guardian or theMinistry of Environment and Forests decision  itself on the ministry website. Furthermore, Ramesh has been quoted as saying that  Vedanta had committed ” very serious violations of environment act and forest right act,” and that his department was looking at taking punitive action against the company. The news sent Vedanta shares down 6%.

For more on this issue, see  the amazing 10-minute film: “Mine: Story of a Sacred Mountain“ or this  great 5 minute clip and a couple of recent articles one by Arundhati Roy

great new painting for Arunachala (the  sacred mountain we’ve been reforesting for 20 years) .

First music gig in 20 years with my son Bodhi.

Draft  chapter  ”The Religion of Economics” for”Handbook of Social Ecology”.

Indian Journal of Ecocriticism interview with Swarna

3rd exhibition of “The Two of Us” – my sculptures along with paintings by my mother Judy Cassab,  Canberra July 31

Recent interview on ABC Radio National “The Spirit of Things” – transcript

Have you been wondering what the “Maoist insurgency” in India is about. Great article by Arundhati Roy and interview by Tehelka.